McCain Sucks, Palin Sucks = No Bush left behind

Posts Tagged ‘palin sucks

Gawd! People are so clever. My hat goes off to you.

Of course Bush is about abstinence which is just one more of his failed policies.

Anyway these are real condoms and there are some for Obama and for McCain too but his will expire any day now.

Bristol and Levi should’ve had a carton of these.

Hey, who wants to make bets that these two kids will never marry?

If Joe the  Plumber can be a war correspondent in Israel, there must be some suitable job out there for Levi.

Everyone has something to be thankful for even Sarah Palin.

Before I continue, let me just say I AM SO THANKFUL THAT THE MCCAIN-PALIN TICKET SUCKED. That campaign made so many blatant mistakes, we’re thrilled that the American people are not all Joe the Plumbers.

Palin does have much to be thankful for. Count the ways.

Here’s a typical Sarah Palin sentence:

“Talking with complete sentences there and also too talking in a way that ordinary Americans like Joe the Plumber and Tito the Builder can’t really do there, I think needing to do that isn’t tapping into what Americans are needing also,” she said.

But for us lovers of prose and complete sentences — every time Obama speaks…it’s like a symphony of words.

If you’re a McCain follower, I suggest you have a prickly pear margarita or three. Prickly pears grow in Arizona and McCain is a prick.

Forget the main course and just go straight to dessert just like the straight talking express and order a  baked Alaska.

With all the caw caw hitting the fan last month, this slipped by.

Palin earned less than the two Presidential candidates and Joe Biden but she also claimed some weird ass stuff that you don’t see on an every day tax return. Oops, and she didn’t report all her income either.

She has assets of over $1 million and had her tax return done by H&R Block.

Latest polls show Obama winning in Ohio.

Let’s keep the momentum moving forward in the Obama direction. Gobama!

“McCain leads among white voters 48 percent to 45 percent and among evangelical Christians 59 percent to 34 percent. Obama leads with women, 57 percent to 34 percent; black voters 96 percent to 1 percent; and independents, 48 percent to 44 percent. Obama gets a favorable rating from 55 percent of Ohio voters, compared to 38 percent unfavorable. McCain’s numers are 51 and 42 respectively.

Obama was ahead by 14 points in the Quinnipiac Poll released Oct. 23, and 9 in the survey unveiled Wednesday.

Palin is a drag on the Republican ticket in Ohio. Her favorability is a negative 41 percent to 45 percent, while Biden is viewed favorably, 48 percent to 33 percent. Still, voters said McCain’s association with President Bush hurts him more than his selection of Palin.

In all three states, the economy appears to be easily trumping race.”

You too can dress like Sarah Palin.

We’re still waiting for Palin’s IRS documents. All the candidates have done show and tell but Palin.

Now we find out that Palin used $21,000 of the state of Alaska’s money to fly her kids to events where they were not wanted and didn’t need to be.

If that isn’t unethical, I don’t know what is.

If that’s not pork, I don’t know what is.

Just think how many rape kits $21,000 could buy?

Maureen Dowd is just so right on. She is the columnist extraordinaire.

Read her latest on how Sarah Palin should’ve shopped at Wal-Mart not Saks during the economic bailout. Here’s another politican who has no economic sense and the RNC picked up the $300,000 bill.

“…costumed their Eliza Doolittle for a ball when she should have been dressing for a bailout.”

I’d call that pork for the PYGmalion. Pass the lipstick. I once knew a drag queen who paid $56 (circa 2001) for a tube of lipstick. I wonder how much Palin’s makeup artist pays.

Speaking of economics, have we seen Palin’s IRS documents yet?

I like to put this election year into perspective and relate it to car talk.

Obama is a hybrid. He was relatively unknown and his remarkable team used new technology and organizational tools to catapault him to the top of the line. The hybrid trusted a younger, more savvy staff to think outside the same old mold in order to collaborate, build a strong coalition, and raise millions of dollars. 

Just like the hybrid car, Obama is much in demand for changing the way we drive cars and the way we think. The hybrid portrays a positive global image much like how our European neighbors think of Obama. If they could vote — he would already be elected.

The Obama brand is one of sustainability and for doing more with less — just like a hybrid car.

My friends, then there’s the Ford Maverick who repeatedly says the same talking points and continues to guzzle more gas, more often and is making the oil companies richer. Perhaps he was once a maverick of some kind but now is old, out of date, out of touch with technology, thinks the economy is sound, voted with Bush 90 percent of time, often rages, fails to build coalitions, and many of his former friends and allies have abandoned him for the hybrid.

He, the Ford Maverick, chose an Edsel — a flash in the pan politican, as his running mate.  He failed to vet her properly just like the Bush Administration failed to find weapons of mass destruction. This Edsel has destroyed many in her path — wolves, polar bears, rape victims, employees — and she will destroy the Ford Maverick too.

Honk! If you support Obama, the hybrid, change for a better future. 

Read how Obama politics has already changed the political landscape in a good way.

At first the nomination of Sarah Palin was deemed as a welcome shot in the arm for the ho-hum Republican party.  But now that shot has spread like a shot of poisonous venom that has turned many Republicans in the direction of Obama. Colin Power is one who  said that his top reason for voting for Obama is Sarah Palin.

Alternet lists 11 of the dumbest comments Palin has made…so far. It could be considered funny on SNL but not when she could really be Vice President or worse–President.

Palin’s college career spanned four colleges in three states. Nobody remembers her.
Palin admits to smoking pot in college. Well, at least she admits to inhaling…
Read the yearbook trail.

Check out this video!

I’m speechless.

October 15 has come and gone. Time for Sarah Palin to show us her tax returns. We already have seen her unethical behavior as governor of Alaska, now all we need access to her tax returns just like Obama, McCain,  and Biden.

This is our 2nd request.

Palin has been squawking about Bill Ayers and Acorn but this woman likes to sling mud but lives in a big pool of it herself.

The Village Voice came up with these cocktails to drink during the VP debate but I say why limit it to that event.

I say raise your glass and keep on chugging until you wake up on November 5 and find out that Obama Biden will be in the White House.  Then break out the champagne, darlings… 

Vote Obama Biden for Election 2008.

People are so clever these days.

To enjoy this interactive piece you have to use the mouse and everywhere it turns into a hand, click.

It’s funny but then again it’s too real.

I love when the Repugs say that Palin as given a shot in the arm to the McCain ticket. McCain is old and dated like a FORD Maverick and Palin puts a bounty on wolves and kills them in the most horrendous ways, abused her ethical power as Governor, her husband belonged to the Alaska Independent Party and actively pursued seceding from the U.S. and making an ally with Iran, and her idea of foreign policy is that she can see Russia from her house…among others.

Doesn’t that make you wonder about the Republican party?

Two clever 20 or 30-somethings wrote an all original song about Sarah Palin.

I predict it will soon be played on radio stations coast to coast and even in Alaska.


A few week’s ago Republican column Kathleen Parker gave Sarah Palin the boot and said she must step down to save the party.

Parker received such a backlash of hatred and threats from her own party that she was amazed. However it hasn’t stopped her from more Palin slinging.

McCain has also dumped on the Georgetown cocktail party goers who I guess are primarily Republicans. Let’s hope they bail and cross the river to Obama.

Thank god not all hockey moms are for Sarah Palin. Watch the video.

Speaking of hockey…at the Philadelphia Flyers game Palin threw the puck on the ice and she got BOOed.

This is great news from the swing state of Pennsylvania.

The Russians are having a field day with Sarah Palin’s lack of Russian foreign policy knowledge.

They don’t care that she can see Russia from her house. That doesn’t count as anything except stupidity.

Foreign countries already hate the United States. In their minds, Europe has already elected Obama and the tide is turning. However, if it’s McCain Palin we can expect WW III soon because they don’t negotiate. McCain Palin are trigger happy reactionists.

McCain Palin will be more of the same…distrust and hatred for the United States from our foreign friends.

Let’s expose the McSame/Palin ticket for what they are — liars and bigger liars.

Check out this website and start playing the game. Share the fun game with your friends…especially those stubborn folks who still want to vote Repug or cannot make up their minds.

Rack up those lies and let the world know the score. You can play the game anywhere.

Liar, Liar Pants on Fire

This past June, on a cool morning in southwest Alaska, 14 wolf pups were pulled from their dens and shot in the head, one by one, by state biologists sanctioned by Governor Sarah Palin.

At a month old, these pups had opened their eyes and ears less than two weeks earlier. They had ventured from the dark safety of the den once or twice. They had grown into rolling, tumbling, play-fighting puppies for whom their only care was, when would they next get to nurse?

They still depended entirely on their parents and their packs for food, shelter, protection. But every single adult member of their packs had already been gunned down from above by the Alaska state workers who shot them. These pups did nothing to deserve such a malicious early end to life other than to be born a wolf in Alaska in the era of Sarah Palin.

To most Americans in this day and age, this is atrocious. But to those of us who have watched Sarah Palin at work for the past two years, it’s not at all surprising. As Governor, Palin has expanded Alaska’s aerial hunting further and faster than any predecessor, since anything seen since territorial days, when all predators were targeted for extermination as worthless vermin.

I’ve lived in Alaska for nearly 25 years, long enough to see the on-again off-again cycles of predator control. But never has the killing of wolves and bears in order to inflate the numbers of moose and caribou been so widespread and mean-spirited as under Palin’s reign.

Under Palin, private citizens kill wolves from planes under the guise of predator control. They run the wolves to exhaustion, and then shoot them. Under Palin, for the first time in 20 years, wolves are also gunned down from state-chartered helicopters. Palin authorized $400,000 in state funds for advertising to persuade Alaskans to vote against a ballot initiative that would have curtailed aerial hunting. Her propaganda was successful; the ballot measure failed.

Under Palin, for the first time since Alaska’s statehood in 1958, it’s legal to do land-and-shoot killing of bears and their cubs. Under Palin, predator control has spread from one to five regions of Alaska, to over 60,000 square miles, more than at any time since statehood. Nearly 800 wolves have been shot from planes, and some 2,000 are killed every year by other methods. And that’s just the reported deaths. Palin even went so far last year as to put a bounty on wolves—she wanted to pay $150 for a foreleg of each dead wolf. Thanks to Friends of Animals, Alaska Wildlife Alliance, and Defenders of Wildlife, her wolf bounty was ruled illegal by the courts.

Wildlife scientists from around the country are dismayed at Palin’s predator program, noting it doesn’t meet the standards recommended by the U.S. National Research Council to justify, implement, monitor, and evaluate. Last year, 172 scientists wrote to Palin, warning her that if she did reach the “unsustainable historically high” moose and caribou numbers she sought, it would ecologically backfire in a huge way: not only would she put at risk the long-term health of Alaska’s wolves, but of the very moose and caribou she sought to increase.

Palin would have the rest of Americans believe that this massive slaughter is acceptable, indeed necessary. She points to 50 years of statehood in which wolves have not become extinct. But the extent of the kill now far surpasses anything we’ve ever seen.

Even many Alaska hunters have grown outraged over Palin’s out-of-control wolf control. Most recently, she’s tried to give even more power to the Board of Game—the one that she appoints. This, wrote Alaska Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, would give her Board “more leeway without any scientific input to do whatever the hell they basically wanted.” This program has been a true black eye for all hunters in Alaska, and for our state.
Contrary to what Palin would have Americans believe, only 14 percent of Alaskans hunt. Of those, a small percentage are true subsistence hunters. Palin wants wolves and bears scraped from the landscape so it’s easier for urban hunters to get their kill in a weekend.

Don’t let her fool you: Wasilla has just as many big-box and fast-food stores as any place in America, and just as many opportunities to make money to buy food. Alaskans haven’t paid income tax for decades, and instead get over $1,000 a year—for every man, woman, and child—in oil dividends. It’s not economic necessity that drives the killing of wolves.

During Alaska’s gubernatorial debates, Palin spoke with such passionate hatred about the need to kill wolves and bears that it sounded like we were thrown back into the dark ages of wildlife management, when bounties were paid for the feet of bald eagles, the fins of seals and sea lions, the skins of fox, coyote, wolf, and bear. Yes: bald eagles. They were blamed for eating too many salmon.

I was raised Catholic. I learned early on that if someone persecutes one group that’s different from them, they also persecute others who are “different.” It has taken the national media spotlight and her vicious statements on national stage to show Alaskans what we didn’t know when Palin ran for Governor—to expose her disdain not only for non-human life, but also for those of different races, nationalities, and religions.

As a Catholic, I also learned that we have a responsibility to all living things. Not just human life, but all life. Which is, as we all now know, inextricably linked to all that we need in order to survive. Food, air, water, shelter. Safety. All that those wolf pups wanted from life. And all that was taken from them.

Read Marybeth Holleman’s blog in Anchorage, Alaska

Here’s everything you always wanted to know about Sarah Palin and really not much of it is good.

She’s amazingly scary on many different levels from believing that people and dinosaurs coexisted to repeating meaningless sound bytes that have no depth to being investigated by various agencies.

If John McCain doesn’t wake up from his Ambien stupor one night — Sarah is it!

This is a funny video but it’s also a scary video because it’s just too close to how Sarah Palin really is.

Palin has no specifics and speaks in talking points without any real ideas.

When McCain was campaigning in the primaries he said he has experience unless his opponents who was a mayor of a major New York metropolis during 9/11 and the governor of Mass. He called the mayor and the governor inexperienced. Watch the video!

Yet…his running mate was a mayor of a small town and the governor of Alaska, a small state with low population and special needs that don’t relate to the rest of the continental United States.

Why does he want this hockey mom who hasn’t released her IRS records yet and is under investigation to be the Vice President? She has no national security experience just like he said last year. Did he forget?

Is it just me or do you feel that McCain thinks we the voters are stupid?


He’s not even President yet (and hopefully he never will be) and he’s already jerking around the American people, you know, us, you and me, the voters. Quite frankly, he’s been jerking around us average joes and janes for many years. It’s the Wall Street CEOs and rich hedge fund guys and beer distribution heiresses that he’s been saving all these years.

Last night her jerked off on David Letterman and said he had to rush to Washington when in fact he went to another CBS host and was interviewed by Katie Couric.

McCain doesn’t want to debate Obama.  It’s supposed to be tomorrow and it’s still up in the air.  Obama — with or without John McCain — should be able to go on TV and make his case.  I bet it would take McCain five seconds to change his mind.

McCain is losing in the polls.

McCain has no answers so he needs some time to create them.

McCain is trying to manipulate the VP debate because Palin isn’t ready and probably never will be. She’s a talking head without any substance or facts behind her spewing.

McCain said the Presidential debates can be postponed until October 2 but that is when the VP debate is scheduled.

McCain, the broken down Ford Maverick, is what got us in this mess and now he thinks he can get us out. In his Ambien dreams!

McCain jerks around the American people…again.

Hey, you want to hear something funny? Do you want to know what the most searched phrase is for people finding this blog?

“Palin sucks”

“McCain sucks”

I kid you not!

Does Palin believe in hanging at the stake?

Most likely if you’re a moose or a wolf.

At Sarah’s church she was part of a ceremony in 2005 that protected her from witchcraft. What kind of church does that?

Watch the video. And keep the faith, baby. Isn’t there a separation of church and state and witchcraft?

Someone sent me this joke.

I didn’t think it was an original thought and sure enough it seems to be floating around the Internet which is fine by me. My apologies as I don’t know who to thank but here’s a link to the sentiment.

If you don’t want to read the set up, here’s the punch line:

“You know she didn’t get up there by herself, she doesn’t belong up there, and she doesn’t know what to do while she is up there, and you have to just wonder what kind of idiot put her up there in the first place.”

What struck me the most is — …what kind of idiot (McCain) put her up there in the first place.”

I have been listening to the radio a lot and people are calling in like crazy saying that they once favored John McCain for president but are now leaning toward Obama because they question McCain’s judgment for choosing Palin.

Thanks but no thanks, John McCain.

Hey bitch. We’re getting restless. All the other players have shown the American people their IRS paperwork.

Cindy McCain refused but she is not running for office. We already know she’s worth over $100 million and has ties to the MOB and has been a drugstore cowgirl but now is reformed, probably. We do wonder how she stays so bone thin but we’ll let that pass because she’s not running for public office.

You on the other hand — are running for office and it’s time to come clean and show us all your per diem dope.

There’s no way you can prattle, “thanks but no thanks!” 

Show us those IRS returns!

Humane Society Legislative Fund Endorses Obama-Biden

One of the guiding principles of the Humane Society Legislative Fund is that we evaluate candidates based on a single criterion: where they stand on animal protection policies. We don’t make decisions based on party affiliation, or any other social issue, or even how many pets they have. We care about their views and actions on the major policy debates relating to animal welfare.

It stirs controversy to get involved in candidate elections. But we believe that candidates for office and current lawmakers must be held accountable, or they will see the animal protection movement as a largely irrelevant political constituency. In order to have good laws, we need good lawmakers, and involvement in elections is an essential strategy for any serious social movement, including our cause.

While we’ve endorsed hundreds of congressional candidates for election, both Democrats and Republicans, we’ve never before endorsed a presidential candidate. We have members on the left, in the center, and on the right, and we knew it could be controversial to choose either party’s candidate for the top office in the nation. But in an era of sweeping presidential power, we must weigh in on this most important political race in the country. Standing on the sidelines is no longer an option for us.

I’m proud to announce today that the HSLF board of directors — which is comprised of both Democrats and Republicans — has voted unanimously to endorse Barack Obama for President.

The Obama-Biden ticket is the better choice on animal protection, and we urge all voters who care about the humane treatment of animals, no matter what their party affiliation, to vote for them.

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has been a solid supporter of animal protection at both the state and federal levels. As an Illinois state senator, he backed at least a dozen animal protection laws, including those to strengthen the penalties for animal cruelty, to help animal shelters, to promote spaying and neutering, and to ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption.  In the U.S. Senate, he has consistently co-sponsored multiple bills to combat animal fighting and horse slaughter, and has supported efforts to increase funding for adequate enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act, Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, and federal laws to combat animal fighting and puppy mills.

In his response to the HSLF questionnaire, he pledged support for nearly every animal protection bill currently pending in Congress, and said he will work with executive agencies such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of the Interior to make their policies more humane. He wrote of the important role animals play in our lives, as companions in our homes, as wildlife in their own environments, and as service animals working with law enforcement and assisting persons with disabilities. He also commented on the broader links between animal cruelty and violence in society.

Obama has even on occasion highlighted animal protection issues on the campaign trail, and has spoken publicly about his support for animal protection. In reaction to the investigation showing the abuse of sick and crippled cows which earlier this year led to the largest meat recall in U.S. history, he issued a statement saying “that the mistreatment of downed cows is unacceptable and poses a serious threat to public health.” He is featured in Jana Kohl’s book about puppy mills, A Rare Breed of Love, with a photo of Obama holding Baby (shown above), the three-legged poodle rescued from an abusive puppy mill operation, and his political mentor, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), is the author of the latest federal bill to crack down on puppy mills

Importantly, Obama’s running mate, Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) has been a stalwart friend of animal welfare advocates in the Senate, and has received high marks year after year on the Humane Scorecard. Biden has not only supported animal protection legislation during his career, but has also led the fight on important issues. He was the co-author with Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) in the 108th Congress on legislation to ban the netting of dolphins by commercial tuna fishermen. He was the lead author of a bill in the 107th Congress to prohibit trophy hunting of captive exotic mammals in fenced enclosures, and he successfully passed the bill through the Senate Judiciary Committee.

On the Republican ticket, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has also supported some animal protection bills in Congress, but has been inattentive or opposed to others. He has voted for and co-sponsored legislation to stop horse slaughter, and voted to eliminate a $2 million subsidy for the luxury fur coat industry. But he has largely been absent on other issues, and has failed to co-sponsor a large number of priority bills or sign onto animal protection letters that have had broad support in the Senate.

The McCain campaign did not fill out the HSLF presidential questionnaire, and has also not issued any public statements on animal welfare issues. He was silent during the downed animal scandal and beef recall, which played out during a high-point in the primary fight. Yet he did speak at the NRA convention earlier this year, and is the keynote speaker this weekend in Columbus, Ohio, at the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance rally—an extremist organization that defends the trophy hunting of threatened polar bears and captive shooting of tame animals inside fenced pens.

While McCain’s positions on animal protection have been lukewarm, his choice of running mate cemented our decision to oppose his ticket. Gov. Sarah Palin’s (R-Alaska) retrograde policies on animal welfare and conservation have led to an all-out war on Alaska’s wolves and other creatures. Her record is so extreme that she has perhaps done more harm to animals than any other current governor in the United States.

Palin engineered a campaign of shooting predators from airplanes and helicopters, in order to artificially boost the populations of moose and caribou for trophy hunters. She offered a $150 bounty for the left foreleg of each dead wolf as an economic incentive for pilots and aerial gunners to kill more of the animals, even though Alaska voters had twice approved a ban on the practice. This year, the issue was up again for a vote of the people, and Palin led the fight against it — in fact, she helped to spend $400,000 of public funds to defeat the initiative.

What’s more, when the Bush Administration announced its decision to list the polar bear as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, Palin filed a lawsuit to reverse that decision. She said it’s the “wrong move” to protect polar bears, even though their habitat is shrinking and ice floes are vanishing due to global warming.

The choice for animals is especially clear now that Palin is in the mix. If Palin is put in a position to succeed McCain, it could mean rolling back decades of progress on animal issues.

Voters who care about protecting wildlife from inhumane and unsporting abuses, enforcing the laws that combat large-scale cruelties like dogfighting and puppy mills, providing humane treatment of animals in agriculture, and addressing other challenges that face animals in our nation, must become active over the next six weeks to elect a president and vice president who share our values. Please spread the word, and tell friends and family members that an honest assessment of the records of the two presidential tickets leads to the inescapable conclusion that Obama-Biden is the choice for humane-minded voters.



Bill Maher is funnier than hell. I cannot stop laughing. And really there has been nothing funny about election 08 so I’m going to run with this little blurb.

At the beginning of this family values fiasco, we said that Levi Johnston was going to jump ship and go to Hollywood.

It could happen. My money is on it. I don’t believe that Bristol and Levi will get married and if they do — it won’t be happily ever after.

The talk on the street is that the blue collar demographic cannot relate to Obama. I hope that’s not the case.

But can they relate to Sarah Palin?

Matt Damon, movie star, and blue collar hero — Jason Bourne from the wildly popular movie and sequel, Bourne Ultimatum FEARS Palin.

I saw the movie Bourne Ultimatum in a little mining town. The movie theater was packed with people who worked long hours in the mines. Except for the rifle range and the bowling alley, there was absolutely nothing for these hard working mine workers to do but go to the movies. On a Tuesday night, the theater was packed and the applause thunderous.

Mine workers, blue collar workers…take note. Hear what Matt Damon/Jason Bourne has to say about Sarah Palin. Matt Damon grew up in a blue collar neighborhood and has working class roots.

This is a wonderful blog entry how one man with a homemade sign can make a difference while expressing his opinion in front of a bunch of tourists exiting a cruise ship in Alaska.

This could never happen in China.

To the man who made the sign and had the courage to hold it even though an Evangelical Christian said he wanted to kick the man’s “fucking ass”, it reminds me that all of us can make a difference in some small way by holding a sign or in a big way in the voting booth.

The next person who tells me that Obama blew off visiting the troops in Afghanistan — I am going to kick their lying ass.

Obviously people will say and do anything and there are others who believe everything they read or hear.

Check out to see that — yes — Obama did visit the troops in Afghanistan and yes the troops thought he was a nice guy.

Speaking of lies, where do we start?

MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann is sending $100 to the Alaska Special Olympics everytime Palin repeats a lie. He recently wrote a check for $3,700 and that was only for week 1.

This is a brilliant idea. Money for a good cause AND you get to send a
message to Sarah Palin who has a total disregard for women’s reproductive freedoms.

For those horrified by Palin’s selection, especially for her position on women’s issues, here’s a fiendishly brilliant idea to pass  along.

 Make a donation to Planned Parenthood of any amount, in Sarah Palin’s

Here’s the best part: when you make a donation to Planned Parenthood in her name, they’ll send her a card telling her that the donation has been made in her honor.

It won’t change the election but it will support an  important organization and it will make women’s voices heard.

 Here’s the link to the Planned Parenthood donation page where you can
 indicate whom you want to honor with your donation:

  You’ll need to check “make honorary or memorial gift,” and fill in the
 name of the person you want to “honor,” i.e. Sarah Palin.

Fill in the  address to let Planned Parenthood know where to send the “in Sarah Palin’s honor” card. If you use the address for the McCain campaign headquarters below —  they will get the message.

 McCain for President 
 John McCain 2008
 P.O. Box 16118
 Arlington, VA 22215

“Thanks but no thanks!”  Once again Palin lies. Lying seems to be an epidemic within the Republican side of the ticket.

Palin said she didn’t want the bridge to nowhere. Initially, she did but then when it became apparent, it wasn’t going to happen — she bowed out but not before keeping a lot of money.

What hasn’t been mentioned is that Palin approved a $26 MILLION DOLLAR road that leads to the non-existent bridge to nowhere and it’s being built as you read this.

Is that reform?

We don’t think so. That’s more of the pork that Palin says her administration as governor has gotten rid of.

Porky Palin Pig! Show me the lipstick and the tanning bed.

Read the LA Times blog and share this post with your friends.

The McCain Palin campaign has no substance. They are outraged about the minutae and fake name calling. They have to grasp onto something because really McCain Palin has nothing new to say, more of the same.

You gotta watch this video and read Obama’s economic plan. It talks to voters just like you and me — hundreds of thousands of people who have lost their jobs and their health insurance, are holding onto their homes or have already lost them.

The United States is spending billions of dollars every week on building a country who doesn’t give a damn about us. Yet, here – you and I and your neighbor and your mother and your sister in law — all are grasping at straws trying to stay afloat.

It’s time to care about the United States and make it what it used to be — a great country.

You won’t get that from McCain Palin.

She bragged that she didn’t use the governor’s chef.

Palin bragged about how she didn’t need the corporate jet and sold it on ebay. She may have tried to sell it on ebay but actually used a different third party to sell it.  But what a plug for ebay.

But she failed to mention the tanning bed. Who needs a damn tan in Alaska and a direct conduit to skin cancer anyway? Sarah does!

More pork, more often.

Read the article and its over 1,000 comments!

Here’s an interesting opinion in a Youngstown newspaper that lists Sarah Palin’s travel per diems. Her kids are getting $11,000 and $6,000 respectively for traveling.

What could be jacking up the price? Room service? Extra baggage charges? Souvenirs?

Sarah, get real. Show us your porky pies. Show us your tax returns like Joe Biden did.

These past few days have been devastating for millions of people.

First, Hurricane Ike wiped out entire Texas communities and killing some people and causing billions of dollars in property damage and job loss.

In Southern Calif., a train traveling from downtown LA to Simi Valley crashed killing at least two dozen people and severely injurying many others.

Then Wall Street crashed causing 50,000 people to lose their jobs and put others in financial ruin.

And in a carjacking, a baby was tossed from a moving vehicle and died.

My question to Sarah Palin is: Is this god’s will?

She says the Iraq War is God’s will.  At what point, does she accept mother nature as mother nature and take responsibility for whatever needs responsibility taken.

Here’s an interesting article about Palin, god, and the Jews.